Located in the heart of Kent’s picturesque countryside, Whitecroft Gardens represents a visionary residential development combining luxurious design with an emphasis on natural light and spaciousness. The collection of three-story homes, developed by Beau Property, is...
Our latest development project, Whitecroft Gardens, is conveniently based on the border of Bidborough & Southborough; and in the catchment area for many of the most prestigious state, grammar, and private schools in the area. Between Sevenoaks, Tonbridge,...
How the property market is projected to change under the new Labour government… The new Labour government has plans to significantly reform the housing market, focusing on increasing the supply of affordable and social housing, reforming the private rental sector, and...
Critics say move will push up house prices in short term, but inflation and rate rises may limit long-term impact. The fiscal event last week presided over by new chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng aimed to boost the UK economy out of a recession. Besides the recalibration of...
Boutique developer Beau Property has been shortlisted for a national housebuilding award. The family business, from Tunbridge Wells, is shortlisted for ‘best restoration project’ for its Nevill Row development. They are up against household names including Barratt...